Places We Go Shares my Special Walk with Sumatran Orangutans

Oh, the places we go and the lessons we learn when we travel. It seems that we never stop learning when we do travel, nor do we stop wandering this never-ending path. With so much exploration we set out for ourselves, the lessons we learn along our journey stick with us long after we return home.

I thought I had learned so much about the palm oil industry before I travelled to Sumatra this year. So much so, that I consciously refrained from buying products associated with palm oil use as best as I could. I thought I was doing “my bit” in decreasing demand so as to help in the race to save Sumatran Orangutans from extinction. By the time I reached Gunung Leuser National Park in northern Sumatra, I learned even more with the help of The Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme and the mammoth undertaking of their program.

By the time it was time to leave, I was left with a heavy, overhanging feeling that so much more is yet to be done. Even still, I felt compelled to share my experience in witnessing these precious beings before the irreversible occurs.

What remains so foreign to me – as a traveller and as a human being – is the way and rate in which our world is being reduced to next to nothing. Species are disappearing faster than I can travel the distances to witness them or help. My hope, during this lifetime, is to see the Sumatran Orangutan populations survive, rejuvenate and flourish again before they disappear completely. I don’t want to see photos and memories as the only surviving proof of one of our closest relatives ever living on this planet with us.

I’m ever-so appreciative to Places We Go for sharing this special experience with you all.
I urge you to spend a few minutes reading my guest post to learn more about these beautiful relatives of ours and how you can do your bit to help.

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