Travel your World to Keep your Health in Check

Recently, I read a quote in my daily newspaper which caught my eye: “It doesn’t matter if you have children or not, life is exhausting”. This quote resonated with me on two levels. One, I don’t have kids. Two, daily life is tiring and this tiredness can lead to all sorts of issues such as recurring fatigue, stress, and that unproductive feeling of ‘blah’.

Not too long ago, World Health Day was a timely prompt for us to dedicate conscious thought to our own daily life. It’s a time when we stop and think about how we can provide ourselves with the nurture we deserve during those manic times.

There are many benefits to reap through travel and this can mean the difference between a life well-lived and a life not lived at all. Travel is also a valuable source of spiritual and emotional wellbeing; we all know how it feels to turn off the devices at the end of a working week and hit the road. Both our bodies and minds feel a rejuvenating wash of calm and mindfulness, especially when we are in the throes of experiencing something new.

So, what can we do during our travels to keep ourselves healthy?

Incorporate some weekends away and daytrips into your weekly routine
Hit the open road and get back to this simple things like a slower change of scenery, walking in nature or enjoying a lovely, quiet meal in a rural town. This can boost energy levels and clear a mind that’s cluttered with the worries of daily life. If you need a bit of help to plan an incredible roadtrip then check out my tips here.

Take a big break from technology
I follow a helpful rule when it comes to going away – leave as much technology at home as possible. I feel so much better after doing as something as simple as leaving the smartphone at home and I can really switch off when I’m not automatically responding to phone alerts. So many hours can be easily spent in front of a screen at work and home, so it’s important to detox your body when you can.

If you do need to take a phone perhaps consider packing an older mobile phone model that can house your SIM from your smartphone. Leave the laptop at home if you can too. When you arrive at your accommodation, swap the hotel room TV for lengthy walks through your natural surroundings or exploring the town you’ve travelled to. Consciously turn off so you can tune in to you, your travel partner and your surroundings. Be present, for real.

Top up your Vitamin D levels
A life spent indoors decreases your chances of absorbing healthy levels of Vitamin D, especially during the cooler months. If your job takes you away from the great outdoors, then schedule in a few daytrips for some hiking or simple bushwalking. Dust off your bike that’s been lying dormant in the shed for months and take a ride along a bike path you haven’t explored. Or, consider entering a charity bike ride, run or walk for a good cause. All of these activities give your Vitamin D levels a boost and your body will thank you for the clean, fresh air you’re taking in. Your body will benefit from the physical activity too. Check out my hints for planning a fun daytrip if you’re struggling to work out where to start.

Find ways in travel to minimise stress
For some, this is easier said than done. But by travelling through your world, you can reset your perspective and outlook in life. Consider taking a retreat-style trip that features meditation, yoga, or other forms of exercise you enjoy. Busy travellers who struggle to fit in time for a retreat can still benefit from mindfulness achieved in other ways too – a great tool for decreasing stress and restoring mental focus.  

Have you reaped the health benefits that travel can provide? Leave a comment below about your positive experience.

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