vegan options

Let’s Travel the Vegan Road in 2023. Here’s How!

New Year, new you. Re-invent yourself. Start afresh… I know you’ve heard all the New Year clichés before. However, have you ever thought about making a change in the new year that actually makes lasting change and makes a significant difference? If you’ve been thinking about going vegan, then 2023 is definitely the year to

Let’s Travel the Vegan Road in 2023. Here’s How! Read More »

Why Vegan Meals are Essential during Transit

Earlier this week, the Australian airline QANTAS announced it would remove vegetarian meals from its domestic in-flight menu. Passengers who needed a vegetarian meal would only be offered a vegetarian snack. Overnight, QANTAS reversed its decision due to public pressure. When I heard the news earlier this week, I was crushed. As an Australian vegan

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Café Culture: The Grassroots of Mainstream Veganism in Australia

The number of cafes across Australia has expanded dramatically in recent years. According to IBISWorld, the success of cafés in Australia is the result of “strong consumer demand for high-quality and convenient food and drinks”.  Specifically, the number of cafés in Australia rose by 1.5% between 2015 and 2020. What is special about the café

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Buy Vegan Food in Melbourne and Support Your Local During COVID-19

Food businesses in Melbourne are struggling during the current COVID-19 pandemic and some have even buckled under the pressure of uncertainty. This is when vegans in Melbourne can do their bit to help keep the vegan options flowing and vegan businesses running. So, food businesses have had to adjust by offering takeaway and delivery options

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How to Eat Vegan Food When You’re on a Cruising Holiday

Last week, I went on a cruising holiday to Tasmania from Melbourne. I have been on a cruise before, but I haven’t cruised as a vegan traveller. I was both excited about the prospect of amazing vegan food, yet I was somewhat reserved about whether it was going to be easy. Suffice to say, and

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Sunny Vegan Feasting at Round Bird Can’t Fly in Lilydale

They say that birds of a feather flock together. Lilydale’s latest dining destination, Round Bird Can’t Fly is choosing the solo route and soaring high. This approach is already working for the local food scene in Lilydale and it helps when Round Bird Can’t Fly decides to position itself on the doorstop to much of

Sunny Vegan Feasting at Round Bird Can’t Fly in Lilydale Read More »

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